The last Mount Hood challenge meeting was hosted by the Department of Medicine, University of Malaya. It will take place 4th and 5th of December in conjunction with Society for Medical Decision Making meeting at Connexion Conference & Event Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
As with past Mt Hood challenge meetings, the aim of the conference is to promote the use of health economics and diabetes simulation models with a special focus on the development and use of simulation models within Asia. First first day of the meeting was devoted to diabetes simulation modelling and will include an Asian-focused simulation modelling challenge. The second day had a broader focus and abstract and panel sessions covering all aspects of health economics as well as aspects of medical decision-making such as risk communication.
The meeting was a combination of:
• set Mt Hood-style challenges are that undertaken by groups who have developed simulation models;
• presentations by groups simulation models or undertaking related health economic work;
• abstract sessions covering health economics, simulation modelling and decision science.
The meeting also benefited from talks of those applying health economics in decision-making.
Mt Hood Asia 2023 Diabetes Challenge &
Society for Medical Decision Making Asia Conference
Health Economics and Simulation Modelling
3-5 December 2023
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The Mt Hood/ SMDM Asia conference was co-organised with the Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The Mt Hood/ SMDM Asia conference organisation was supported by the Australian Centre for Accelerating DIabetes Innovations