Mt Hood 2020: Diabetes and simulation modelling - virtual workshop
Excel- Cost calculator for estimating the cost of diabetes complications in Australia:
Clarke P. Leal J. Kelman C. Smith M. Colagiuri S. “Estimating the cost of complications of diabetes in Australia using administrative health care data” Value in Health 2008; 11 (2): 199-206.
Framingham Risk Calculator Calibrated for Indigenous Australians:
Hua, X. McDermott, R. Lung, T. Wenitong, M. Tran-Duy, A. Li, M. Clarke P. "Validation and recalibration of the Framingham cardiovascular disease risk models in an Australian Indigenous cohort", European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Meta-model for predicting average QALY change from diabetes simulation models:
Hua X. Lung TWC, Palmer A, Si L., Herman WH, Clarke P. “How consistent is the relationship between improved glucose control and modelled health outcomes for people with type 2 diabetes? A systematic review”, Pharmacoeconomics 2017; 35(3): 319–329.
Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD) and Renal Protection in T2DM : An Underappreciated Driver of C E in Economic Evaluation?:
Presented by Michael Willis, PhD Christian Asseburg, PhD Andreas Nilsson, MSc at Mt Hood 2018, Dusseldorf.