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List of peer-review journals that publish health economic articles​

Below is intended to be comprehensive and comparative list of peer-review health economic journals. It is intended  to assist prospective authors in finding a journal to disseminate their research. The list was compiled by Prof Philip Clarke on behalf of the Mt Hood Diabetes Challenge Network. 


The list was compiled from information provided on journal websites. Being included on the list should not be taken as an endorsement of journal quality.The information was last updated in July 2021.


New features:


  • information on publication delay measured in days between submission and acceptance of the 10 most recent articles. The data used in these calculations can be found here. We would like to thank Tanara Vieira Sousa for compiling these data.

  • information on words limits for abstracts and text as well as diagrams has been compiled by Alfredo Palacios

  • 2017 Impact Factors were compiled by Chris Carswell (@PECjournal) 

  • 2018 Impact Factors were compiled by Tim Wrightson (@ApplHealthEcon)

  • 2019 Impact Factors were compiled by Paul Schneider (@waq0r) even though he does not believe in the use of them.

  • 2020 Impact Factors were compiled by Philip Clarke (@PMC868)

The table is dynamic, clicking on the columns will resort the table. The columns (from left to right) are:


Title is the journal title;


OA Fee is the charge in US$ for making an article Gold open access - charges are correct as of  July 2021;


Impact Factor (IF) is from two most recent years;


Medline a "Y" indicates that articles from the journal can be found on the Pubmed database;


Mean time accept the average number of days between submission and acceptance as reported on the most recent ten articles.


Median time accept the median number of days between submission and acceptance as reported on the most recent ten articles.


No. words the words limits specified by the journal


No. tab/fig the maximum number of tables or figures.


Website The web addresses provided will have further information about how to submit a paper (you now need to scroll the table - tab at the bottom to access this information.


NA or blank is where information is unavailable.


If there are any errors/omissions/updates, or suggestions, these can be made via the Contact page.

Health Economic Journal List - July 2021

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